Using this Site

Using This Site for Information About Security Consulting

To get started, read the information below for further information about security consulting. We offer a variety of tools and resources for our physical and network security consulting. There’s a lot of information on our website, so this page is dedicated to helping you find the right page for your security consulting needs. Feel free to reach out to our security consulting company if you need further information about our website.

This site is organized for easy access to several different categories of information. The Navigation Menu at the top of the page will take you to special links for About Us, Using This Site, Contact Us for information, Legal, Security Links, Secure Content, Patents.

  • About Us: Information about the Security Lab and its Principals
  • Using this site: Information about navigating and content
  • Contact Us: Information on how to contact Marc Tobias and Tobias Bluzmanis
  • Legal: Disclaimers regarding the use of information on this site
  • Security Links: These are relevant links to preferred lock manufacturers, security organizations, forensic labs, professional organizations, publications, and Standards Organizations
  • Secure Content: This will take you to the secure content area for registration and access. There are two classifications for non-public information: Locksmith and Government. In order to access secure content and videos, you must register and be approved for access. If granted, you will be notified by email to confirm your username and password. Access shall be at the sole discretion of Security Laboratories.
  • Patents: This is a list of patents that have been granted to Marc Tobias and Tobias Bluzmanis by the U.S. Patent Office

You can Search the entire site for keywords, articles, and videos.

PowerPoint presentations

A PDF of Powerpoint presentations may be shown. If you require the full slide deck with audio and video, please contact to request a download link. These decks are usually too large to embed in WordPress.


There are multiple Sliders on the left and right side of the page, with different content. You can navigate to them by simply scrolling up and down, and then clicking on the slider images.

Slider Definitions

The Left-hand sliders have content as follows:

Books and Multimedia Products

Information regarding Locks, Safes, and Security hardbound edition, and LSS+: The Multimedia edition, Open in Thirty Seconds, as well as detailed information about the DAME disk by Harry Sher and Marc Tobias. There are 100 video segments on this disk about opening locks and safes.

There are also reviews of Locks, Safes, and Security: An International Police Reference, and LSS+ by The National Locksmith, and ASIS.

Images and videos

A collection of images and video segments about locks, safes, covert and forced entry, and other interesting topics is presented.

In the Media

This is a collection of radio, television, Internet, and print media appearance by Marc Tobias and Tobias Bluzmanis.


Marc Tobias, Tobias Bluzmanis, and Matt Fiddler have given many lectures and presentations around the world about security issues. Many of the PowerPoint presentations, as well as Def Con videos, are included.

Pitt Lab

The Security Engineering Lab at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering is run by Security Laboratories, Marc Tobias, and Tobias Bluzmanis. This lab allows senior engineering students to work on specific security problems and projects for lock manufacturers and clients of Security Laboratories. Tobias and Bluzmanis also conduct semi-annual security seminars that are well attended by students and faculty.

Secure content

The Secure Content section contains restricted information about forced and covert entry tools. There are many video segments, including lectures at the Dubai Forensic Laboratory in English and Arabic about covert entry tools and techniques. Wendt security training and videos are also presented, including by Addi Wendt, the founder of the organization, and a pioneer in the global security industry.

Security issues, articles, and alerts

This area contains articles and security alerts regarding relevant issues and products that have been analyzed to be security defective in design. A detailed listing of articles written by Marc Tobias in Forbes, Engadget, and CNET are presented.

YouTube channel

This is the official YouTube channel for Security Labs. It contains more than one hundred videos about locks, safes, alarms, and other information.

The Right-hand sliders have content as follows:

Products for sale

This allows the ordering of books and multimedia products produced by Marc Tobias and Security Labs. You can select the desired products, which will generate an order, based upon your email address. We will contact you for credit card information, as we do not process or store credit card data on this site for security reasons. We accept all major credit cards as well as PayPal.

Bypass tools, technology & emerging threats

This section provides information about specialized tools for locksmiths and government agencies which are available from Wendt and other leading suppliers for forced and covert entry devices and technology.


The bottom Footer links

About Us

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Help and support

Social Media and email links

Forbes articles links
