Security Analysis

Trusted and Effective Security Analysis Services

Criminals do not stop looking for new ways of finding vulnerabilities in the latest security systems, but luckily for you, neither do our security consultants. At Investigative Law Offices, P.C., and Security Laboratories we are dedicated to providing expert security analysis services. Our team conducts a security analysis of high-security locks, alarms, and electronic systems for lock manufacturers, corporations, and government entities globally. For more than 40 years, our security consulting team has helped security experts by innovating technology and testing these systems to make sure they work. Let us be your partner in security.

Physical Security Consulting

Whether you want to prevent intruders from breaking in or making sure high-value items are secure, finding the vulnerability is the first step. We provide physical security consulting to ensure your security systems are effective. Once we’ve located that vulnerability, we show you the next course of action you should take to improve any cracks in the system. It’s essential for a physical security system not only to stop intruders but caution them from even trying. Our team conducts a security threat and vulnerability analysis to ensure that if there is a crack in the system, we’ll be the first to find it.

Security Device Consulting

The development of high-end security technology can be difficult because they cannot have any flaws. We work with technology experts to help develop new security devices and check for any weaknesses. Additionally, we can help you patent your security products after we’ve finished working with you. Count on us to work with you from start to finish, improving your locks, alarms, and other new technology in the industry. Reach out to us for additional information about our security analysis services; we are here to help.
