About Us

About Our Security Analysis Firm

  • Our security consulting company works with design engineers throughout the world to identify and remedy security vulnerabilities, specifically in locks and safes as well as wireless intrusion systems. Through our work and experience, we have identified hundreds of attack vectors to defeat security systems. All of our consulting work is protected by lawyer-client privilege so that anything we discover for a client cannot be used against them in litigation.

    We also sponsor a Security Engineering Lab at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Engineering, where we co-teach a course to senior engineering students and have them work on different security-related projects.

    Members of our security team in the United States and Europe include former state and federal law enforcement, ex-military security physical cyber-specialists, former Intelligence officers, and expert lock and safe technicians, and sophisticated covert entry tool design.

    Members of our team can provide expert testimony and consulting with regard to cases involving lock design, the compromise of security analysis services includes locks, safes, computer networks, and alarms systems.

    Marc Tobias and Tobias Bluzmanis have lectured at many venues in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, and Far East including law enforcement agencies, cyber-security and physical security conferences, and universities including University of Cambridge, University of Rhode Island, Carnegie Mellon, University of Pittsburgh, University of Florida, Dakota State University, Waterloo (Canada) University, and Ruhr University (Germany).

    They have also presented at NISTTechno-Security, Def Con in Las Vegas for nine years on physical security, as well as at The Associated Locksmith of America (ALOA), FBI InfraGard, and the Association of Firearms and Tool Marks Examiners (AFTE).

    Marc Tobias is a member of the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS), AFTE, ALOA, FBI InfraGard, American Bar Association, American Polygraph Association (APA), and the American Association of Police Polygraphers (AAPP). He is admitted to the Bars of Nebraska and South Dakota, has written seven books, and has, as of 2020, been granted thirteen U.S. patents. He has been a member of the Underwriters Laboratory Standards Technical Panel on Locks and Safes since 2007.

Contacting Security Laboratories and Investigative Law Offices

Investigative Law Offices and Security Laboratories
Box 90043, Sioux Falls, SD 57109
Box 8228, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Marc Weber Tobias

Telephone: 1.605.334.1155
Fax: 1.612.677.3999
Email: mwtobias@securitylaboratories.org
SKYPE: mwtobias
TWITTER: @marcwebertobias
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marc-weber-tobias-81843013/

Tobias Bluzmanis


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